With Dan & Maxine at the Hyatt for today’s wedding. Two lawyers that were introduced by their officiant who actually works in the law industry. Pretty cool stuff. Talk about having something in common when you first meet. But the day turned out beautifully and a breeze as everything as far as photographs were concerned were held at the Hyatt.
When Maxine first hired me all she cared about was her first look with Dan. One of the things I’ve come to appreciate with Maxine is how casual, focused and decisive she is with what she wanted with her wedding. Which made everything easy for me of course. We have actually bumped into each other over the course of the year as she lives in my town. Whether it be us working out near each other in the gym, (yes first for me haha) or her bumping into me at an engagement shoot I did in the area as she was in the area working with the venue.
But her special day finally came and great moments did not disappoint. Maxine is big on first looks which I personally love because you’re always going to a real reaction. So she wanted her bridesmaids to see her in her dress for the first time, that’s when we did Dan & Maxine’s first look where her bridesmaids look from above.A photograph I took over Dan’s shoulder, where you can see the anticipation.
After photographing this great couple, Maxine wanted to do a first Dad look with her. The stage was actually set perfectly as we took a break because of the heat, where the ceremony was going to take place as the venue staff was still putting their final touches on the ceremony location. Which set up I would say in my opinion one of the most powerful moments to date since photographing weddings. I always say the emotion of a Dad to see his little girl in that wedding dresses is one that will always be at the top or near the top in a parent’s life. I placed myself in an area where I could anticipate where I can best tell the story of these two. Really cool guy, Maxine’s dad that is.
Here are a few from their day……